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History & Geography


At St Nicholas we teach a broad and balanced curriculum. Each term children will either study a History or Geography unit. This is the same across the school ensuring that classes and siblings can have conversations about their learning and make links across the different units.



The teaching and learning of Geography is integral to our desire for the children at our School to go out into the world as ‘Global Explorers”! We believe that the teaching of Geography at St Nicholas should inspire and excite our children’s curiosity about the world and its people. ‘Worldliness’ is a key concept embedded within our Global Explorers curriculum, and we aim that all children develop an understanding that they are citizens of the world. Through our teaching, children will develop key geographical knowledge and skills in line with the aims of the National Curriculum, whilst also gaining an understanding of the responsibility they have- locally and globally- to look after and love our planet.

The children’s geographical knowledge will build throughout their time at St Nicholas school and this will ensure they leave us as effective global explorers, who know much about the world in which they live.

Careful planning against the National Curriculum ensures that children on their journey at St Nicholas, will develop their knowledge about the local area, the United Kingdom and the world.   On top of this, geographical skills are also taught, such as map reading, which will ensure our children become skilled explorers! 

With regular tap backs to previous learning, children’s geographical knowledge will become secure.  Knowledge, skills and key vocabulary are also explicitly outlined in teachers planning to ensure progression throughout the teaching of the subject.

Teachers support the teaching of Geography, wherever possible in other curriculum areas.  English planning, Art and DT are often linked to the Geography learning in order to build links between the subjects.

Visits enhance our children’s knowledge of geography further with planned trips within the local area, to The Living Rainforest, Longleat and Marwell in order to explore climate zones and biomes.  To enrich the children’s knowledge of human geography further, such as economic activities, we welcome parents and governors in to our school to give talks on their jobs which also inspires the children greatly.



As a school we aim to ensure that all children leave us prepared for the world as ‘Global Explorers’ equipped to pursue whichever path they choose. The teaching of History is a key part of this aim. At St Nicholas, one of the big ideas of our Global Explorer Curriculum is to create learners who are ‘Worldly’. This means that our children will have a secure understanding of their world both past, present and future. Children will also develop a secure knowledge of local and world history through allowing them to see the context of their country, culture and politics. Furthermore, studying history will help children to understand the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. At our school children are engaged, excited and curious to find out more about the lives of children in different countries and societies throughout history!

The children’s historical knowledge will build throughout their time at St Nicholas school to enable the children to become historical explorers.  We carefully follow the National Curriculum which ensures the children have the opportunity to study many different historical eras, Benin, Mayan, Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks, The Stone Age and The Romans to name a few! Careful consideration has been taken when planning our curriculum to ensure that where possible children approach their history units in chronological order and reflect on where each period fits on the school timeline. Making links and connections between time periods are planned for and discussed with the children to endure depth of learning and understanding.

Teachers know the progression of the teaching of History throughout the school and will continually tap back to previously taught knowledge and skills to ensure the children progress within the subject.    Key vocabulary is also explicitly outlined in teachers planning so that children become familiar with key historical vocabulary.

Teachers support the teaching of History in a similar vein to Geography.  Wherever possible, English planning, Art and DT are linked to the Historical learning in order to build links between the subjects.  It is with great pleasure that we often see, letters home from evacuees during World War 2 or instructions on how to mummify a mummy from Ancient Egyptian times being created by the children.

Visits and visitors enhance our children’s knowledge of history further with planned trips within the local area.  We are so lucky to be placed in such a rich historical setting with significant places of interest close to our school.  All children will visit Stonehenge on their journey through St Nicholas School as well as other interesting places related to their History learning, such as Rockbourne Roman Villa and local historical walks to visit War Memorials.  Visitors are welcomed into school, who have specialist knowledge, which enriches our children’s historical further. 

In both History and Geography lessons, children are engaged, excited and curious to find out more about our present and past world! The learning that comes from these two curriculum areas really do make our children successful Global Explorers!

Whole School Topic Overview

Progression Documents

Curriculum Mapping